Craft School Illustration in Color PencilA new vision for a Craft School has emerged in the Sierra Foothills of northern California.  These illustrations were done to portray the current design ideas and character of this project which is in the early phases of design.  The brainchild of Leslie Barbazette and Jay Morgan, the Wolf Craft School and Collective is for people who enjoy woodworking, blacksmithing, ceramics, and handcrafts.  Located in the beautiful countryside between Grass Valley and Auburn, the 16 acre parcel upon which Barbazette and Morgan reside currently, would have outstanding views of the local hillsides, ponds, waterways, oak trees, and just enough simple structures to support the school’s functions.  Millennium Engineering of Nevada City, California, has done the land planning and designed the required structures to sit comfortably on the largely wooded piece of land.  These small classroom buildings and compact studios are designed to blend in with the natural landscape, using earth tones and non-combustible materials.  There are also modest tent cabins on raised wooden platforms, each having their own air conditioner, shower, and bathroom.  Near the tent cabins is a respite area with shade oaks, picnic seating, and a food truck–maybe a movie screen for late summer evenings.  Any new landscaping will be mostly native and drought resistant plants, with an area for raised bed vegetable planting for on-site consumption.  The color renderings shown here were done recently by Jeffrey Michael George to describe the conceptual design to the public.  The image above shows the overall site from Wolf Road with proposed buildings and landscaping.  The other three illustrations below show various aspects of the design–the ceramics studio, the classrooms, and the tent cabins, as they are set into the landscape of the foothills.  Jeffrey is a professional architectural illustrator who brings to life the designs of many architects, engineers, and builders all across America.

Craft School Illustration in Color Pencil