The full color sketch rendering below is in freehand pen and color pencil by Jeffrey Michael George, architectural illustrator. This 3D visualization was commissioned by the San Jose architectural firm of Steinberg Architects, a long-time client of Jeffrey’s. The drawing illustrates Steinberg’s proposed design for a mixed-use project to be located in Pleasanton, California, in the East Bay, across the Bay from San Francisco. The perspective view was generated from a CAD base supplied by the Architect with overlaid entourage by the illustrator showing Steinberg’s proposed design in its ultimate context. This view shows the project as seen from a new interior public street. Jeffrey does many illustrations for a number of architectural clients in the South Bay, San Francisco, Bay Area Peninsula, and Sacramento areas of northern California.
Color Pencil Rendering of San Francisco East Bay Project
Architectural Illustration, Architectural Rendering, Perspective Drawing, Uncategorized
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