Another quick conceptual color sketch I was commissioned to do recently!  For kids with cancer, this shows an addition (on the left) to an existing facility (on the right)….Proposed by Steinberg of San Jose, CA, these sketches refer to the JW House located in Santa Clara, CA….Steinberg hires Jeffrey Michael George as a freelance architectural illustrator to help get approvals on their many projects in and around the San Francisco Bay Area….The primary function of this image is to raise funds for the potential project….Not intended to be a photo-realistic representation of a detailed design, sketches like these are intended to show a “feel” or “flavor” of the project’s character, with landscape and context….As the artist, I invent much of the architecture, massing, and detail (based on my knowledge of the architect’s intentions and predilections)….Sometimes it’s more fun to wing it !

Color Pencil Sketch Rendering of Proposed Cancer Care Facility